WOSWA, Women Students Mentorship Association: The Board of Directors
An organization is as strong as its leadership. At WOSWA we believe in having a strong leadership and being led by a strong team and board members who guide our women empowerment agenda.

Dr. Anne Assey
Dr. Anne Achieng Aseey is a senior lecturer in the School of Open and Distance Learning, University of Nairobi, Kenya and a Fellow, Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and British Nigeria Education Trust(BNET at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State Nigeria.
She is a graduate of the University of Nairobi, Kenya in the following fields: Bachelor of Education (Arts), Master of Education and PhD in Education-ICT integration in Education).She is a holder of a Postdoctoral International Certificate in Leveraging Local Assets for Community Economic Development-(Centre for Sustainable Development, Rehovoat, Israel). She is the Vice- Chairperson of the University of Nairobi Alumni Association (UONAA). She teaches instructional Communication and Technology, Education, gender studies and Development, training and curriculum studies among others. She is a member of the World Society of Victimology (WSV), Australia Teacher Education Association (ATEA), gender Network for universities in Africa among others. Anne is an author and reviewer and has also written several articles in referred journals.
She is a Trainer of Trainers in gender and Leadership, Education technology and social media. She has been invited as a guest speaker in several local, national and international fora, presented papers in several conferences locally and abroad and has also organized and coordinated workshops and conferences locally and internationally. She is a curriculum instructor and mentor in education and youth affairs. She has trained several stakeholders in Kenya, Nigeria and other English speaking Countries in Africa on effective use of social media, Open Education Resources (OERs) and Massive open Online Courses (MOOCs) and women and leadership. She has also help in setting up Gender Units in Universities and other higher education institutions in Kenya and other African Countries through the Association of Commonwealth Universities- Gender Network Programme. Her current research is focused on, Education, technology and social media, Victimology and Victim Support and Gender issues.