WOSWA is making great impact on girls in learning institutions
Since its formation, WOSWA has seen great inspiration and influence on female students in Kenya and other parts of the world. We continuously make strides to re-imagine and come up with approaches that amplify our impact, which in return sees our ecosystem growing sustainably, placing the interests of girls and young women at the center stage.
Women Students Mentorship Association is making great impact on reducing vulnerabilities for girls and young women. WOSWA thrives towards gender equality and equity and to ensure that young women and girls are safe, secure and empowered. We are keen in addressing the leading causes of girls’ educational hindrances like child marriage, teenage pregnancy and FGM/C among other emerging issues.
In 2019 WOSWA was voted in a global ranking as the Best Women Students led organization in Africa.
Girls back to school campaign addresses the disruption of education caused by COVID 19 pandemic in Kenya through ensuring that all girls who were out of schools as a result of emergence of Covid19 and before emergence of Covid 19 get an opportunity to return to schools.
This rolls back substantial gain to girls’ education from all sectors including the girls who are marginalized from remote and rural communities including those in the poorest quintile and girls living with disability fulfill their right to education, health and protection, among other rights.
WOSWA worked in collaboration with local community leaders and local government in Busia County, and Muranga County Kenya to meet 1200 girls in primary and secondary schools 850 from Busia in Buhayo Constituency, and 350 girls in Muranga County who were facing various challenges in schools. WOSWA provided sanitary towels, guidance and counselling services, mentorship and also talked to the parents, teachers and the community on the importance of having girls in school and also steering on other ways of reducing vulnerabilities.
We act on matters that affect personal growth and development of female students. Teen pregnancy has turned out as an obstacle to the academic path of girls in Kenya. We are currently running a project “Zero Teen Pregnancy” a campaign which we started on May 10th 2019. We aim at reducing teenage pregnancies among school girls to zero. This campaign since its launch in May 10th 2019 has seen sustainable growth and great impact in the 6 counties we visited in the Kenya’s coast whereby the teen pregnancies have been seen to have reduced. We are still doing the campaigns in the other 41 counties in Kenya.
We have engaged 9,850 school girls, empowering them as champions against teenage pregnancies and engaging them on the need to report any form of sexual abuse they may be exposed to. A year after the campaign launch, the rates of teenage pregnancies have been seen reduce consequently.
: we observed that when freshmen join the university, they receive orientation based on career fields only from universities managements. We then saw the need to introduce an orientation that specifically focuses on social welfare of students when they join universities and colleges. Together with Trust for Indigenous Culture and Heath (TICAH) organization we launched this program at the University of Nairobi in January 2015. The conversations model is in the structure that introduces freshmen to real campus life experiences discussing different matters of interest to students including: relationships, sex, safety tips for female students, mentorship programs available, gold rush and important contact details.
This helps in reducing pressure and vulnerability of female students which comes with transitioning from one level to the other and with no adequate preparation, Campus life could be a challenge. The aim of WOSWA in this is to ensure that girls who joined the University can progress to higher level and achieve their academic dreams. Through Freshers conversation we have engaged at least 10,850 female students directly.
: This is a campaign that happens once every year, on 14th of February which has always been marked at valentine day. On this day we do a campaign on safe sex choices in hire learning institutions, Universities and colleges in partnership with TICAH.
WOSWA has worked with The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) since 2019 to attend international conferences during University of Nairobi Annual Research week that impacts on the wellbeing on the students and for knowledge generation. Some of the students have even gone ahead and presented research papers during the conference while some have acted as discussants.
WOSWA partnered with Lunette Menstrual Cup Company during the Nairobi Innovation Week in 2018 to share the sustainability solutions on period management whereby 100 female students received Lunette menstrual cups at the University of Nairobi.
We observed that menstrual stigma is a key player as to why girls perform poorly compared to boys in schools. To end menstrual stigma and shame we introduced the zero stain initiative. This initiative aims at adopting girls from disadvantaged backgrounds who cannot afford sanitary towels and support them with sanitary towels throughout their academic years in primary and secondary schools, giving them a chance to focus on their studies and worry less about menstrual sanitation.
: Ones in every trimester, we visit a community and offer community services. This takes the model of: street cleaning, children home visits, visiting the sick and elders

Students Development
As Women Students Mentorship Association, WOSWA, our aim is to equipt women students in all universities with the requisite information on relationships, sexual health and their well being.

Women Empowerment
WOSWA is keen on working with girls across 47 countries to ensure that we have ZERO TEEN Pregnancy. We equipt girls with the right information to avoid teenange pregnancy.

Zero Teen Pregnancy
Our mission is to ensure that teens go to school, concentrate on their academics and build their future careers without getting pregnant. Pregnancy is a huge load and responsiblity that can stop our teens from achieving their full potential.