WOSWA, Women Students Mentorship Association - We Do
Young women and girls empowerment toward realization of Gender equality # SDG 5 Steer the development of female students in Kenya and Africa though leadership trainings, mentorships and capacity building. Ensure that our members live comfortably while in schools and get the best opportunities that will assure them a brighter future beyond schools Promoting matters of interest to Women students’ welfare and wellbeing in learning institutions Sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR) awareness

Zero Teen Pregnancy Campaign
WOSWA is focused to ensure that teenage pregnancy among school girls is completely eradicated. Girls have equal rights to education as boys and teenage pregnancy serves as a barrier.

WOSWA Talent Development
Beyond books we are all gifted differently, some as actresses, poets, musicians, footballers, comedy and athletes. WOSWA gives platform to girls to develop their talent for sustainable growth and development.

WOSWA Open Days
During the Open days, WOSWA engage members of the public and students on our activities in WOSWA and share with them our milestones towards women empowerment in learning institutions in Kenya.

Social Injustice Protest
WOSWA is a women student rights defenders in learning institutions. Some of the social injustices we protest against include; rape, gender based violence and sexual harrassment. Male students support WOSWA in such protests.

Sexual Reproductive Health Awareness
Female students reproductive health is a key pillar to our foundation. We are focused in ensuring good health and well being of our members. We are key in implementation of SDG 3, which is good health and well being for female students.

International Students networking
As WOSWA, we support our members and leaders to engage in international, global student conferences where they are able to interact and share experiences from Africa on women empowerment and feminist movement

WOSWA does student mentorship in Primary schools, Secondary Schools, colleges and Universities

Women students’ rights advocacy
acting on matters that might hinder growth and development of female students in Kenya and Africa.

Embrace Social Responsiblities
As WOSWA, Women Students Mentorship Association , we are involved in embracing social responsibilities which involves activities aimed at giving back to community.