To steer the development of female students in Kenya though leadership, mentorships and capacity building.
To bring out the best in every woman in all over Kenya by education, mentorships and capacity building.
To ensure that our members live comfortably while in schools and get the best opportunities that will assure them a brighter future beyond schools.
Creating awareness on personal health issues for students.
Improving living conditions of students in schools.
Promoting the image and self esteem of female students and encouraging a peaceful coexistence among all students in the country.
Guiding the welfare of our members.
Embracing social responsibilities, which involves activities aimed at giving back to community.
Most importantly, to defend the rights of female students across the country.
Act on issues and situations that are of sufficient consequences to our members’ interests and the larger public.

Students Development
As Women Students Mentorship Association, WOSWA, our aim is to equipt women students in all universities with the requisite information on relationships, sexual health and their well being.

Women Empowerment
WOSWA is keen on working with girls across 47 countries to ensure that we have ZERO TEEN Pregnancy. We equipt girls with the right information to avoid teenange pregnancy.

Zero Teen Pregnancy
Our mission is to ensure that teens go to school, concentrate on their academics and build their future careers without getting pregnant. Pregnancy is a huge load and responsiblity that can stop our teens from achieving their full potential.